
Yericho - next Roberto Carlos from Indonesia

Minggu, 22 November 2009

Cesar Payovich (Pelatih SAD Indonesia) memuji kemampuan menguasai Yericho di sisi kiri lapangan saat menghadapi tim Australia.

"Yericho bermain fantastis Dia berlari. atas dan ke bawah tanpa ketegangan dan pelaku sering berbahaya di balik serangan ke jantung pertahanan Australia dan menjadi benteng pertama ketika Indonesia berada di bawah tekanan. Saya berharap banyak dari kemampuan pemain ini khusus," kata Cesar.

"Beberapa tim Uruguay telah menghubungi saya untuk mencari tahu apakah mereka dapat menawarkan kontrak Yericho."

Gaya dinilai hampir mirip dengan Roberto Carlos.
Cesar Payovich (Coach SAD Indonesia) praised Yericho ability in mastering the left side of the playing field when facing the Australian team.
"Yericho played fantastic. He ran up and down without strain and often dangerous actors behind the attack into the heart of Australia's defense and became the first castle when Indonesia is under pressure. I hope that many of the capabilities of this special player," said Cesar.
"Some of the Uruguayan team has contacted me to find out whether they can offer Yericho contract."
Assessed his style is almost similar to Roberto Carlos.

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