Bepe: "During pelatnas (Training Center) This game surprised me with some young players who I had never seen before. They have great potential, but lost due to too many foreign players. Difficult to show if the young players have to compete with foreign players, "said Bepe.
Bepe (Bambang Pamungkas) refers to the performance of striker Persema Malang Teguh Jaya Anga. According to him, the game Jaya during pelatnas very good. But Jaya in Persema potential is not too prominent, because the 'excluded' foreign players. Jaya lucky to get more chances in the second round, so ogled entered pelatnas.
Bepe admitted surprise with the performance of young players that are shown on pelatnas senior national team this time. He considered many local young players have the potential for a bright and good quality.
the number of foreign players who roam the Superliga create opportunities for developing young local players to be difficult. Because, the coach is more often entrust the foreign legion to fill the vital post.
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