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Uruguay vs Indonesia

Uruguay coach Oscar Tabarez has announced 24 names who will undergo a friendly match against Indonesia in Jakarta on 8 October.
Two star, Luis Suarez and Diego Forlan also in the squad.
Players who are on the rise, Edinson Cavani also summoned. Similarly, experienced striker Sebastian Abreu.
Tabarez also summon three Porto players, namely Jorge Fucile, Cristian Rodriguez, and Alvaro Pereira.
Here's a list of players Uruguay:
Goalkeepers: Juan Castillo (Deportivo Cali), Fernando Muslera (Lazio)
Rear: Martin Caceres (Sevilla), Diego Lugano (Fenerbahce), Jorge Fucile (Porto), Diego Godin (Atletico Madrid), Mauricio Victorino (Universidad de Chile), Maximiliano Pereira (Benfica), Andres Scotti (Colo Colo), Carlos Valdez (Siena).
Middle: Diego Perez (Bologna), Alvaro Gonzalez (Lazio), Sebastian Fernandez (Malaga), Sebastian Eguren (Sporting de Gijon), Walter Gargano (Napoli), Ignacio Gonzalez (Levante), Alvaro Pereira (Porto), Gaston Ramirez (Bologna ), Cristian Rodriguez (Porto), Jorge Rodriguez (Jaguares de Chiapas).
Front: Sebastian Abreu (Botafogo), Edinson Cavani (Napoli), Diego Forlan (Atletico Madrid), Luis Suarez (Ajax).
Indonesia vs Malaysia

The result of the division of the group that held Wednesday (15 / 9) afternoon at the Sheraton Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam, Indonesia together in Group A with Thailand, Malaysia, and the winner qualifying.
Responding to the results of this sweepstakes, Nugraha Besoes admitted group A will take place "very tense." On the other hand, PSSI secretary general of Indonesia is hoping the fight took place in a peaceful counter Malaysia.
"I hope there is no sense of hostility or anti-Malaysian sentiment when AFF Championship that later. Sport is sport. It would be more proud and honored when the community or the national football lovers to provide exceptional support for sportsmanship in our national team," tells Nugraha Besoes.
Peñarol recruited Indonesian players

Atletico Peñarol Football Club merekrut dua pemain muda dari Indonesia, Syamsir Alam dan Reffa Money.
Rekrutmen perjanjian ditandatangani oleh kedua pemain dengan wakil presiden Edward Welker dan direktur olahraga Osvaldo Gimenez, Selasa (14 / 9) kemarin di markas besar klub. Tidak disebutkan nilai dan durasi kontrak yang diterima oleh Alam dan Reffa, tetapi Peñarol memberi mereka kesempatan untuk tampil di Divisi Cuarta Uruguay dimulai pada 2011.
"Kesepakatan ini merupakan kesempatan bagi Peñarol dan Indonesia untuk berbagi bakat mereka serta memperkaya kerjasama budaya dan olahraga,"demikian pernyataan resmi.
"Langkah pertama dari perjanjian ini adalah untuk membawa Syamsir Alam dan Reffa Uang mulai pada bulan Januari 2011 sebagai bahan untuk tim yang bertanding di Divisi Cuarta."
Belum ada konfirmasi resmi dari manajer tim Demis Djamoeddin SAD adalah perjanjian terkait, serta dengan Alam. Sementara itu, Reffa've mengumpulkan foto dirinya di Alam Peñarol seragam di blog pribadinya.
Peñarol adalah salah satu klub terbaik Uruguay. Klub ini dijuluki Aurinegros telah lima kali memenangkan Copa Libertadores dan juara Piala Interkontinental tiga kali. Menurut federasi sejarah dan statistik sepakbola (IFFHS), Peñarol dinobatkan sebagai klub terbaik di Amerika Selatan abad ke-20.
Divisi Cuarta adalah kompetisi liga pemuda rutin diadakan sebagai tingkat pembinaan sepak bola Uruguay. Kompetisi yang sama juga diikuti SAD Indonesia selama masa pelatihan mereka untuk tahun kedua adalah 2010. Tingkat membandingkan pemain di bawah 20 tahun.
Atletico Peñarol Football Club recruited two young players from Indonesia, Syamsir Alam and Reffa Money.
Recruitment agreement signed by the two players with the vice president Edward Welker and sporting director Osvaldo Gimenez, Tuesday (14 / 9) yesterday at the headquarters of the club. No mention is the value and duration of the contract received by Nature and Reffa, but Peñarol give them the opportunity to perform at Cuarta Division Uruguay began in 2011.
"This agreement represents an opportunity for Peñarol and Indonesia to share their talents as well as enrich the cultural and sports cooperation," the official statement.
"The first step of this agreement is to bring Syamsir Nature and Reffa Money began in January 2011 as a material for the team that competed in the Cuarta Division."
There has been no official confirmation from the team manager Demis Djamoeddin SAD is related agreements, as well as with Nature. Meanwhile, Reffa've put together a picture of him in uniform Peñarol Nature on his personal blog.
Peñarol is one of the best clubs Uruguay. The club was nicknamed Aurinegros been five times won the Copa Libertadores and Intercontinental Cup three-time champion. According to the federation of football history and statistics (IFFHS), Peñarol crowned as the best club in South America of the 20th century.
Cuarta Division is a routine youth league competition was held as a Uruguayan football coaching level. The same competition also followed SAD Indonesia over the period of their training for the second year is 2010. These levels compare players under 20 years old.
Critics Member

At least 40 founders of the fans Persija Jakarta, The Jakmania, giving criticism to its members who last season often act out of the ordinary.
Statement frontman of The Jakmania was stated in the release of joint position statement that was distributed Forums JM told reporters on the sidelines of the trial against Semen Padang Football Club in the Senayan Stadium in Jakarta.
Of the seven position statement, the Forum requested that JM was held immediately prior to the election of new chairman of the Indonesian Superliga 2010/11 competition rolling. Forums JM also apologize to all citizens of Jakarta that has been disrupted comfort.
Forums JM asked that a new board of The Jakmania later can act decisively to prevent and clean up action and racial anarchist who conducted their members. Therefore, such attitudes may tarnish the image of The Jakmania in the eyes of society.
In addition, the Forum requested that the management of JM Persija Football Club based on loyalty and dedication to advance the Kemayoran Tigers team, especially with the back held an internal competition can produce young talent in the future.
DKI Jakarta Provincial Government also requested supata active role in maintaining the existence Persija Football Club. JM assess the involvement of provincial government Forums emotionally lately on the wane.
Reduce quota of foreign players.

Bepe: "During pelatnas (Training Center) This game surprised me with some young players who I had never seen before. They have great potential, but lost due to too many foreign players. Difficult to show if the young players have to compete with foreign players, "said Bepe.
Bepe (Bambang Pamungkas) refers to the performance of striker Persema Malang Teguh Jaya Anga. According to him, the game Jaya during pelatnas very good. But Jaya in Persema potential is not too prominent, because the 'excluded' foreign players. Jaya lucky to get more chances in the second round, so ogled entered pelatnas.
Bepe admitted surprise with the performance of young players that are shown on pelatnas senior national team this time. He considered many local young players have the potential for a bright and good quality.
the number of foreign players who roam the Superliga create opportunities for developing young local players to be difficult. Because, the coach is more often entrust the foreign legion to fill the vital post.
The strongest in Southeast Asia

Riedl: "Thailand's football team is still the strongest in Southeast Asia for now. But they have weaknesses, and the Indonesian soccer team has a chance to beat them. Preparation should be maximized in order to meet the target in the AFF Cup, "said Riedl."
"In the game, Thai soccer team lose its core players. They dominated the game. But the final outcome is less good that made them can only scored one goal. Sector is also not very good behind them. This is a record for us. "
edl is crouching strength Thailand football team a few days ago when tested against India. In those games, Thailand, 1-0 victory. Although Thailand has found a gap weakness, Riedl still think the team is still the strongest in Southeast Asia.
The young players are not a threat

"I've played 11 years in the Indonesian national team. For me, competition is common. I actually like to see myself when I first called into the national team .. "
"I'm not too concerned with the existence of competition with the young players at this time pelatnas. Besides the young players it's not a threat. Ssaya also pleased, because these young players have a great pontensi to play in the national team, "
Senior coach Alfred Riedl is to call some younger players to follow pelatnas. In the front row alone, there were two names being called, namely Jaya Teguh Anga and Yongki Aribowo.
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