
Be dropped from the national team?

Jumat, 31 Desember 2010
Timo: "Irfan ingin tetap bergabung dengan Persema. Dia sudah mengatakan itu dan bukan paksaan. Dia pemain profesional dan berhak mengikuti kompetisi di mana saja tanpa ancaman sanksi."

"Dia masih terikat kontrak selama semusim dan saya yakin Irfan menghormatinya. Dia masih milik Persema dan tidak akan ke mana-mana."

Haries: Meskipun terancam tak bisa memperkuat tim nasional (timnas), Irfan Bachdim ingin bertahan di Persema Malang.

Persema sendiri bakal mundur dari Indonesia Super League (ISL) dan beralih ke Indonesia Premier League (IPL) yang dimulai 8 Januari nanti. Konsekuensinya, Persema bakal diberi sanksi degradasi ke Divisi Utama dan pemainnya tak bisa memperkuat timnas PSSI.
Timo: "Irfan wants to stay joined Persema. He's already said it and not coercion. He's a professional player and eligible for the competition anywhere without the threat of sanctions."

"He's still under contract for one season and I am sure Irfan honor. He still owned Persema and will not be going anywhere."

Haries: Despite the danger can not strengthen the national team (national team), Irfan Persema Bachdim want to stay in Malang.

Persema themselves would withdraw from the Indonesia Super League (ISL) and switch to the Indonesian Premier League (IPL) which starts January 8 later. Consequently, given the sanctions would Persema relegation to Division President and his players can not strengthen the squad PSSI.

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