
Twitter users in Indonesia was excited

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

AFF CUP. There is also a second photo. This time McMenemy embracing the Rahma's shoulder and another woman. The third photo, just both of them, McMenemy embrace Rahma.

From the time stamp, the image is uploaded on Monday (12/20/2010) early days. The photos were taken at a nightclub in Jakarta after the players and coach the Philippine national team defeated by Indonesia. In addition to photographs of Filipino coach, also circulated photographs of the players the Philippines, among others Younghusband brothers.


AFF CUP Pengguna Twitter di Indonesia senang dengan merilis foto-foto Rahma Azhari dengan pelatih Filipina. Dalam foto itu, Rahma rupanya sangat lengket dengan Simon McMenemy. Keduanya segera menjadi tren topik di Indonesia.
Foto muncul dalam jadwal waktu twitter Rahma Azhari bahwa dia retweet dari salah satu teman-temannya. Rahma tampak berdiri mengenakan gaun ketat biru antara dua laki-laki. Salah satunya adalah pelatih yang tangannya merangkul tubuh Rahman.
Ada juga foto kedua. Kali ini McMenemy merangkul bahu Rahma dan wanita lain. Foto ketiga, hanya mereka berdua, McMenemy merangkul Rahma.
Dari waktu cap, gambar di-upload pada hari Senin (2010/12/20) dini hari. Foto-foto itu diambil di sebuah klub malam di Jakarta setelah pemain dan pelatih tim nasional Filipina dikalahkan oleh Indonesia. Selain foto-foto pelatih Filipina, juga beredar foto-foto dari pemain Filipina, antara saudara lain Younghusband.
Twitter users in Indonesia was excited with the release of the photographs Rahma Azhari with coach Philippines. In the photograph, Rahma was apparently a very sticky with Simon McMenemy. Both were immediately becomes trending topics in Indonesia.

Photo appears in the timeline of Rahma Azhari's twitter that she retweet from one of her friends. Rahma looked wearing tight blue dress standing between two men. One of them is the coach whose arms embrace the body of Rahman.

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