
A better team to lose in this tournament

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

RIEDL: "Pertama-tama, saya ucapkan selamat kepada Malaysia. Tapi menurut saya, tim yang lebih baik kalah dalam turnamen ini," ujar Riedl usai pertandingan.

"Terima kasih kepada semua pemain atas komitmen dan disiplin mereka. Saya senang bekerja di timnas. Mereka layak dihargai karena bermain dengan cara yang sangat kuat. Kami memang tidak bisa juara, tapi timnas secara keseluruhan sudah sangat bagus,"

"Pasti ada evaluasi untuk seluruh tim. Saya ingin menghormati kontrak yang masih tersisa 16 bulan lagi. Apabila PSSI ingin saya bertahan, saya akan bekerja tapi tidak boleh ada intervensi. Berikanlah saya tanggungjawab untuk bekerja sesuai keinginan saya."
RIEDL: "First of all, I congratulate Malaysia. But in my opinion, a better team to lose in this tournament," Riedl said after the match.

"Thanks to all the players for their commitment and discipline them. I love working in the national team. They deserve respect for playing with a very strong way. We did not win, but the team as a whole was very good,"

"There must be an evaluation for the whole team. I want to respect the contracts of the remaining 16 months again. If PSSI wanted me to survive, I will work but there should be no intervention. Give me the responsibility to work according to my wishes."

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