
Submit this issue to the PSSI

Jumat, 31 Desember 2010
Irfan Bachdim: "Itu tidak terserah saya, tapi terserah PSSI."
"Untuk orang yang berpikir saya akan meninggalkan Indonesia, jangan khawatir. Saya tetap di sini."

Haries: PSSI mengambil sikap tegas kepada Liga Premier Indonesia yang dianggap merupakan kompetisi ilegal di Indonesia.

Ironisnya, Irfan Bachdim saat ini terdaftar sebagai pemain Persema Football Club sebagai klub peserta LPI.

Nasib Irfan Bachdim di timnas Indonesia jadi tanda tanya menyusul keputusan Persema Malang untuk bergabung ke Liga Primer Indonesia. Terkait masa depannya, Irfan sendiri menyerahkannya ke PSSI.
Irfan Bachdim: "It's not up to me, but it's up to PSSI."
"For people who think I'm going to leave Indonesia, do not worry. I'm still here."

Haries: PSSI take a firm stance to the Indonesian Premier League is a competition which is considered illegal in Indonesia.

Ironically, Irfan Bachdim currently registered as players Persema Football Club as a club participant LPI.

Irfan Bachdim fate in the Indonesian national team so a question mark following the decision to join Persema Malang Indonesia to the Premier League. Related to its future,
Irfan submit this issue to the PSSI.

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